Are SARMs Safe


SARMs or selective androgen receptor modulators are a new class of function-promoting anabolic therapies being developed for clinical indications like frailty, chronic wasting diseases (including cancer cachexia), and osteoporosis. These compounds are similar to steroids in that they bind to androgen receptors in the body but differ in their ability to target specific tissues for more targeted or selective effects.

They’re also more woman-friendly than steroids as they don’t cause virilization. However, sarms have been known to still cause some unwanted side effects such as mood swings, shrunken testes, and gynecomastia. These can be avoided if you choose the right sarms for your goals and cycle.

Despite these warnings, recreational SARM use is common among young athletes and adults seeking to gain muscle mass. Moreover, the availability of high-quality sarms at affordable prices has made them more accessible to users than ever before. But are sarms really safe? And if so, how do they work?

In the sarms market, most are marketed as research chemicals and sold online without any formal labels or branding. They are not regulated and cannot be sold legally as dietary supplements, but they do carry significant health risks and have been associated with a range of adverse events. The FDA encourages consumers and healthcare professionals to report any potential adverse events associated with these unregulated products to the agency’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program. This voluntary reporting system helps identify patterns of harm and guide future drug development and regulatory decisions.