How to Select a Floating Water Pump


Water is lighter than air. This means that when you pump it up into the air, it will float! This is why we call a pump a “floating motor” (not to be confused with a submersible). It moves water into the air using mechanical power. The pump is powered by an electric motor that drives the impeller. This creates a suction which lifts the water into the air. The water is then compressed by the motor and this energy is converted to highly pressurised water that gets delivered by the discharge line.

When selecting a pump, you must first consider its capacity and head. The capacity is the volume of fluids that the pump can suck up per minute and the head is the amount of pressure it places on the discharge line at its outlet. This information can be determined by a flow and head meter. These meters measure the flow rate and the head and are able to convert these values into horsepower output.

Having this type of information in hand helps to select the correct pump for your application and it also helps to determine whether you can optimize its performance by adjusting the system parameters, such as the process piping. Flow and head measurements can also help you to calculate pump efficiency, which is calculated by dividing the mechanical power input by the electrical energy output.

It is important to note that mechanical efficiency losses are caused by leakages, friction and component failures. Keeping your pump well-maintained can mitigate these losses. Having the flow and head data available empowers you to monitor your pumps and take action when efficiency starts to drop. This prevents unnecessary starting of your pump, which prolongs its life. floating water pump