Kratom Capsules


At low doses, kratom acts as a stimulant, making users feel more energetic. At higher doses, it reduces pain and brings on euphoria.

However, it can cause adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, jitteriness and increased heartbeat. It can also cause dependence and withdrawal symptoms. The two main active compounds are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These bind to opioid receptors, producing morphine-like effects.

Pain Relief

As a pain reliever, the stimulant effects of kratom can help to suppress pain signals. It is also used to relieve opioid withdrawal symptoms, a common side effect of addiction to prescription painkillers. It has been used in Asia for centuries as an antidiarrheal, sedative, cough suppressant and intestinal tract dewormer. It can also improve mood and energy.

The invigorating effects of kratom are experienced within 10 minutes and can last up to an hour and a half. They can include a decrease in anxiety and depression, increased work capacity, alertness and sociability. They can also cause drowsiness, itching and nausea. A small amount of mitragynine can even increase sexual desire and may induce a pleasant, euphoric high. The negative side effects can include loss of appetite, itching and tremors in the extremities and face.

Despite claims that kratom has opioid-like effects, research is limited and quality control in the supplement industry can be inconsistent. The DEA has proposed making it a Schedule 1 drug, putting it in the same category as heroin or methamphetamine, which would make it harder to obtain and more dangerous.

Garcia-Romeu says that more rigorous clinical research is needed to test kratom for therapeutic benefits, behavioral intoxication and interactions with other drugs and medications. In the meantime, he advises that people who use it for health reasons err on the side of caution and not mix kratom with alcohol or other drugs, which can have serious or fatal consequences.

Anxiety Relief

For people looking for a natural way to ease anxiety, Kratom has shown promise as an alternative to conventional prescription anti-anxiety or depression medications. It works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, reducing anxiety and depression symptoms. It also has mood enhancing properties, helping to boost serotonin levels in the brain and create a feeling of well-being and happiness.

Despite the relatively low level of research on kratom, there is a growing number of individuals who report positive benefits including pain relief, mood elevation and anxiety reduction. Some individuals who wish to abstain from opioids have found that kratom can help to ease their withdrawal symptoms and reduce their cravings.

A study published last year in Drug and Alcohol Dependence followed the experiences of a number of kratom users and found that while a third of participants experienced mild unpleasant side effects like constipation, upset stomach or lethargy, these symptoms typically resolved within a day. Only 1.9% of the participants reported experiencing significant kratom withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, irritability or depression.

Those who wish to try kratom should be cautious. As with any new substance, it’s best to do your research and use a trusted source. It’s also important to never use kratom with other substances, as it can increase the risk of overdose. Also, be sure to carry fentanyl test strips and naloxone in case of an accidental overdose as it has been reported that kratom products have been contaminated with opioids like fentanyl.

Weight Loss

Kratom can help people lose weight by affecting the endocannabinoid system, which regulates appetite and feelings of hunger. It does so by increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain while decreasing ghrelin. This results in a feeling of fullness without causing excessive drowsiness or lethargy. It also enhances a person’s motivation to work out, which is important for maintaining a healthy weight.

Some strains of kratom also suppress the appetite, helping you control your food intake and avoid overeating. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to lose weight because excessive calorie consumption is a leading cause of obesity. In addition, kratom increases blood flow to the stomach and intestines, which promotes regularity and can prevent constipation.

A recent study showed that kratom use was associated with a lower risk of developing metabolic syndrome (MetS), a combination of symptoms including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and excess body fat. However, this study’s cross-sectional design means that it can’t be interpreted as causal, and further research using a prospective design is needed.

If you or someone you know has a kratom addiction, treatment is available. A healthcare professional can provide a complete assessment of the problem and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. Some options include behavioral therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or contingency management, and medication to manage withdrawal symptoms.


Unlike caffeine or sugar, kratom’s effects last longer and don’t trigger a crash. A good place to start for those looking for a natural energy boost is with a three to five-gram dose of kratom first thing in the morning. However, you should always listen to your body’s individual needs and adjust the dosage accordingly.

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is a plant from Southeast Asia that can have stimulant, sedative or opioid-like effects in high doses. It has also been used to decrease opioid withdrawal symptoms and for pain management. While it is illegal to possess and sell in some countries, kratom is sold as an herbal supplement in the United States and has become popular among people with opioid use disorder.

The DEA has considered putting kratom on its list of drugs of concern, which could lead to a ban and make it less available. Until then, primary care providers should educate patients on the potential side effects of this herb and encourage them to seek treatment for opioid use disorder.

The FDA spokesperson stated that there are currently three FDA-approved medications for the treatment of opioid use disorder: buprenorphine, methadone and naltrexone. He noted that he hopes the DEA will reconsider its decision and allow these safe and effective medications to remain on the market. For those with an addiction to opioids, he advised that they should seek help from a trained professional for detox and maintenance treatment. kratom capsules