Lyrics For Dream a Little Dream of Me


The lyrics for dream a little dream of me are simple and touching. This song has a message that inspires people all over the world to dream and hope for a better tomorrow. It is no wonder this song has remained popular throughout the years. It has been covered by a variety of artists in many different genres, which helps to keep it relevant for all audiences.

The music to this song was written by Fabian Andre and Wilbur Schwandt, while the words were created by Gus Kahn. It was first recorded in 1931 by Ozzie Nelson and his orchestra, and later became a popular jazz standard. The song was also sung by Nat King Cole, Doris Day, and many other artists. However, it was the 1968 version by Mama Cass Elliot with The Mamas and The Papas that catapulted this song to new heights of popularity.

This song is a beautiful reminder to a loved one that they are in your heart even when you are not physically present. The melody is soothing and comforting, evoking a sense of peace and serenity. The song is perfect for anyone who is looking for a little bit of happiness in their life.

The song is also well-known for its appearance in the Netflix hit series Stranger Things. The episode features the character Victor Creel listening to this song on the radio as he escapes from the psychic manipulations of his son. It is a touching scene that showcases the power of this timeless classic. The actor who played Victor Creel, Robert Englund, also portrayed the iconic slasher film villain Freddie Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.