Obsession Spell


An obsession spell is one of the strongest love spells in existence and can be used to make someone obsess over you, call you all the time, dream about you, and want nothing more in life than you. It can also be used to break up a relationship that is no longer serving the needs of both parties.

In most cases, the people who ask for this type of spell are looking to be in a relationship that is more than just casual and they want the person to fall madly in love with them and become obsessed with them. This spell is also a great tool to use if you are trying to get revenge on someone who has wronged you in some way.

The most important thing to remember about this type of spell is that it takes time to work. It can take up to a month before you see the results of this spell, but it will be worth it in the end. Once you have seen the results of this spell, it will be hard for you to stop thinking about it.

The most effective time of the month to cast this spell is on a full moon night. The specific moon does not matter too much, but it is best to use an earth moon like Capricorn, Taurus, or Virgo. This will give the spell maximum power and strength. Also, it is important to have a wand or poppet that represents the target of your obsession spell.