Voiceover Training – How to Get Started


If you’re interested in becoming a professional voice actor (or just want to get your feet wet), there are plenty of opportunities for training. Whether you choose to attend a full, in-person seminar or a teleconference class, your education will probably begin with a series of workshops that teach basic voice acting fundamentals. Afterwards you’ll likely record a demo to present to potential clients and producers. While it’s possible to record a good demo on your own, most actors find that they get better results from working with a voice over coach or trainer.

During the course of your training you’ll learn the fundamentals of studio recording and editing as well as how to create a professional quality demo reel. You’ll also learn the importance of networking and how to build a strong relationship with an agent.

A successful career as a voice actor is often a long journey. In the beginning, you’ll need to focus on finding your niche. Do you hope to voice animated characters, narrate a documentary, or provide narration for corporate explainer videos? Once you’ve found a niche, you can develop your skills and focus on building your resume.

One of the biggest obstacles for most voice actors is handling nervousness at auditions and on the job. Developing strategies to help overcome nervousness is an important part of voice over training. Practicing relaxation and breathing techniques can make the difference between a great performance and an embarrassing one. Voiceover training