Yoga Si Meditation Online Course


Cuvantul sattva înseamnă bine, pozitivitate, Dumnezeu, sănătate, veselie, viziune holistica privind lumea, creativitate, constructivitate, echilibru, convingere, dragoste şi puritate

We can offer you an yoga si meditatie online course which will help you learn techniques that will bring balance to your physical and emotional well-being. You will be able to reduce stress and anxiety and experience a new level of inner peace. The classes are given in a relaxed and comfortable environment. The classes are designed to suit all levels of fitness and flexibility. They are also suitable for those who are recovering from illness and are looking to rebalance their life.

Yoga is a practice for your whole life

Practicing Yoga, as described in the system of Patanjali, consists of bringing our mind, body and spirit into harmony with ourselves and with the universe. It involves practicing asanas (physical exercises) and pranayama (exercitie de respiraţie), plus samastira or bandhas (exercises diafragmatices).

It helps to control our emotional, psychological and physiological problems. It enhances our mental well-being and provides the energy we need to cope with everyday challenges. Yoga can help us overcome the symptoms of chronic diseases and it is particularly useful for women as it can ease the challenges of menopause. It also helps to prevent or slow down the ageing process and improves our quality of life.

The key aspect of Yoga is its spiritual nature. It helps to develop a healthy and balanced relationship with yourself and the world around you, and it encourages you to be more conscious of the things that are important in your life. Yoga teaches you how to live in harmony with the natural rhythm of the universe, which can be a beautiful way of finding happiness and contentment.

A major element of both yoga and meditation is concentration, the ability to maintain our attention focalised on a single object (be it something concrete, physical, or an idea, an experience, an emotion etc). During the course you will learn different types of concentration, such as tratiotio, vasana and nimitta, and you will also learn about their benefits and practical applications.

The classes are held on Zoom, a platform that allows you to connect from any device and at any time of the day or night. It is easy to follow and you don’t need any special equipment or software. The classes are accessible to everyone and are given in English.