An Egypt Tour Offers A Lot More Than Just Pyramids


What comes to mind when you think of Egypt? Do you see a country with much to offer by way of things to do and see,Guest Posting or do you see only Pyramids? You may be surprised to know that shopping is can be one of the main aspects on your list of things to do during your Egypt tour. Make a point to visit the he Khan al-Khalil and you will be amazed at the great shopping opportunities that are available there. You do not want to miss that at any cost. This shopping area has been around since 1382. Be sure to take a map with you when visiting this unique marketplace since it is easy to get lost in there. Better yet. Consider hiring a guide. That is the best way to ensure that you won’t get lost. And don’t forget to bargain!

Shopping, Deserts, The Nile And Plenty More Attractions Beckon Visitors

While here, it is also possible to hire a taxi or go by bus to nearby City of the Dead, which houses funerary complexes of the sultans of Mamluk and their emirs. There are great khanqahs here including the Khanqah of Barquq, Khanqah of Sultan Barsbey and the Funerary Complex of Qaytbey.

Cairo, and more notably Old Cairo, also has a lot to offer in the form of amazing architecture and history that is characterized by the Coptic Museum. The Egyptian Antiquities Museum is a must see on every Egypt tour and it may take more than a single day to take it all in as there is a vast collection of Egyptian antiquities to admire and view.

No Egypt tour would be complete without a trip to the pyramids there, and you could enjoy them even more by hiring horses rather than camels at places such as Gaza. There are also many other places of interest that would make an Egypt tour more complete, and these include visiting Alexandria, Memphis and Sakara, Luxor, Aswan and Abu Simbel. The more adventurous would find sailing up the Nile on a rented Falouka quite an adventure, though it is not recommended during the summer months when there are too many mosquitoes in addition to the extreme hot weather.

While on an Egypt tour, a trip down to one of Egypt’s most isolated settlements called the Siwa Oasis is also worth having on the itinerary as it is a big tourist draw, being far off the beaten track and it provides ample opportunity to have a wonderful adventure and experience at close hand the unique Siwan Berber culture. A Siwa Safari would also add excitement to your Egypt tour, and so too will shopping for the fine crafts made by the locals here.

Dhakla Oasis has hot springs along with camel rides that allow visitors to experience a ride over sand dunes. A Nile cruise, normally between Luxor and Aswan, may offer opportunity to experience the lovely sunsets. The Pearl of the Mediterranean, as Alexandria is known, still attracts the wealthy Cairenes and is a summer retreat worth visiting.  Egypt holiday packages