Is Fenbendazole Safe For Humans


Fenbendazole is a benzimidazole medication used to treat worms, particularly parasites that affect the digestive tract. It has a long history of safe use for humans, and when administered orally in large doses (2000 mg or more over 10 days), it causes few side effects. In the lab, fenbendazole shows promising anti-cancer properties. However, it’s important to note that there isn’t enough evidence from randomized clinical trials to confirm whether fenbendazole can actually cure cancer in people.

In 2018, a man who claimed to have used fenbendazole to treat stage four pancreatic cancer published an article about his experience on social media. Since then, the fenbendazole cure theory has spread to multiple websites and Facebook groups, attracting thousands of followers worldwide. This claim is often accompanied by a pseudoscience-inspired belief that cancer is caused by parasites and can be cured by killing the parasites with fenbendazole.

The truth is that fenbendazole doesn’t cure cancer, and it doesn’t even kill parasites. A review of scientific literature has found that fenbendazole does not kill parasites or prevent them from reproducing in laboratory settings. It does, however, have some anti-cancer properties that are being studied further.

According to the authors of one study, fenbendazole can inhibit microtubule polymerization in cancer cells and induce cell death by modulating several cellular pathways. In particular, fenbendazole can destabilize the mitotic spindle, which is responsible for aligning chromosomes during cell division (mitosis).

Another study has found that fenbendazole can disrupt a protein that regulates glucose uptake in cancer cells. This can starve the cancer cells by limiting their ability to absorb glucose from the bloodstream.

In addition to being a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent, fenbendazole can also induce the death of colorectal cancer cells by inhibiting the expression of necroptosis-related proteins, including phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and metalloproteinase GAPDH. The authors of this study observed that fenbendazole significantly reduced the number of viable cells in the colon cancer cells, which suggests it may be an effective treatment for colorectal and other cancers that develop in the gastrointestinal tract.

Unfortunately, the lack of evidence from randomized clinical trials means that fenbendazole isn’t an approved drug to treat or prevent cancer in people. As such, Health Feedback recommends that people consult a qualified doctor before considering using fenbendazole to treat their illness. fenbendazole for humans